Archive for 12/2016

Staff Picks

Best Book Covers of 2016

The expression ‘You can’t judge a book by its cover’ is right. It is not a good idea to prejudge the value of something or even someone simply by outward appearances.

But being humans, we like to make quick assessments. The Caveman probably did not think, ‘Does that tiger really look hungry or is he just curious.’  He judged the book by the cover, tiger stripes.

So, book covers are important. They create a brand for the title and draws our attention. It is the first, maybe not the fairest way, to judge a book. 

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It’s Not What’s Over, It’s What’s Next.

Woman on mountain

I think Ageing is an extraordinary process whereby you become the person that you always should have been.

-David Bowie

Twenty years ago today, on my 25th birthday, I woke up in a lousy apartment in the city and when I turned on the bathroom light I was greeted by a sink full of roaches. Happy Birthday Joanie.

Today, I turned 45.

And I woke up to one grumpy dog and one VERY excited puppy.

I had to get two groggy girls off to two different school in two different directions at the same time. I did a load of laundry, emptied the dishwasher, took one VERY excited puppy for a walk and then went to work.

I loved this morning! So much better than being 25, right?

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