RFP Questions and Answers

Addendums: Questions asked regarding the Janitorial Services Proposal and corresponding answers

This information is for the Janitorial Services 2017 RFP, which is now closed.

1) Question: Who is the current janitorial contractor ?

Answer: Crystal Maintenance Services Corporation

2) Question: What is the amount of the current janitorial contract?

Answer: $3,330.00/month

3) Question: On the days the library is only open for four hours, does the library still require the 12 hours of cleaning coverage after closing?

Answer: Yes.

4) Question: Our Surety Company will not issue a performance bond based on a multiyear contract. They can only issue a one year performance bond based on a renewable basis, which means that the performance bond will automatically renewed after completion of the first year of contract. Will it be possible to obtain the statement from you that the Des Plaines Public Library will accept this kind of bond?

Answer: The library does not require a performance bond. The library requires a Bid bond, Cashier’s Check or Certified Check made payable to the Des Plaines Public Library in the amount of $________________________(5% of Total Yearly Bid). When the Board votes on the winning bid and signs the three year contract, the above amount will be returned to all bidders.